I do like New Hampshire. It's my first roval (Road course with parts on an Oval circuit) and it has some interesting corners.

Obviously turn 1 is different, on its banking. Turn 4 is fun and I seem to make up some ground under brakes, with my bias set at 64% front for this circuit. There's a lot of spinners on turn 6, as people get on the power too early. I've also noticed a higher than normal number of people understeer off the track out at this corner.
Turn 9 is also tricky and I take it in second gear, gently coming off the brakes and trying to get the car align for going through turn 10. 10 is tricky because there is a bump on the inside and if you hit it there's a good chance you'll spin.
Turn 12 I've named 'Andrew Kiss sucks at this corner' corner because he just can't keep it on the track particular at this corner. For me, I lift off through 11 and start braking at 11 for turn 12. I hug the inside at the apex and then float wide to the bumpy edge of the track at track out.
A good lap for me at the moment is a 1:11.3. I've seem some guys doing 1:10.3's. I find I'm generally one of the fastest drivers in the race.
This week in my attempts at this track I've had my wheel fail (see other posts here), a BSOD, and missing the start when I had to attend to my kids. I've also been taken out a few times. The one time I've had a clean run, or at least a run where everything that happened was my own fault, I've come a close second.